2020 |
In-network Processing for Edge Computing with InLocus
L.R.B. Brasilino, A. Shroyer, N. Marri, S. Agrawal, C. Pilachowski, E. Kissel, M. Swany
Int. Journal of Cloud Computing 2020, Vol. 9 No. 1, pp 55-74, Inderscience
2019 |
Low-Latency CoAP Processing in FPGA for the Internet of Things
Lucas R. B. Brasilino and Martin Swany
In IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings 2019), Atlanta/GA/USA
Mitigating DDoS Flooding Attacks against IoT using Custom Hardware Modules
Lucas R. B. Brasilino and Martin Swany
In 6th IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things: Systems, Management and Security (IoTSMS 2019), Granada/Spain
2018 |
Data Distillation at the Network's Edge: Exposing Programmable Logic with InLocus
L.R.B. Brasilino, A. Shroyer, N. Marri, S. Agrawal, C. Pilachowski, E. Kissel, M. Swany
In IEEE International Conference on Edge Computing (EDGE 2018)
2017 |
OSiRIS: A Distributed Ceph Deployment using Software Defined Networking for Multi-institutional Research
S. McKee, E. Kissel, B. Meekhof, M. Swany, C. Miller, M. Gregorowicz
In Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 898(6):062045
Offloading Collective Operations to Programmable Logic
Arap, O., Brasilino, L.R.B., Kissel, E., Shroyer, A., Swany, M.
IEEE Micro 37(5): 52-60, 2017
2016 |
Network-Managed Virtual Global Address Space for Message-driven Runtimes
Kulkarni, A., Delassandro, L., Kissel, E., Lumsdaine, A., Sterling, S., Swany, M.
In Proceedings of HPDC, 2016
Photon: Remote Memory Access Middleware for High-Performance Runtime Systems
Kissel, E., Swany, M.
In Proceedings of the 1st IPDRM Workshop (Co-located with IPDPS), 2016
2015 |
Using phoebus data transfer accelerator in cloud environments
Zhang, M., Kissel, E., Swany, M.
In Proceedings of ICC 2015
HELM: Conflict-free active measurement scheduling for shared network resource management
Zhang, M., Swany, M., Yavanamanda, A., Kissel, E.
In Proceedings of IFIP/IM 2015